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Collingbourne Cubs What's Happening Next and Diary

Dates and other information for you

Wednesday 30 May 2012 - Hike
If the weather is kind the cubs will be walking round a set hike putting in to practice their tracking skills, and doing a quiz which will be both practical and verbal.  If parents would like to come along to help with this it would be appreciate.  Hot drinks will be provided after!
Wednesday 6 June 2012 - Half Term
During this week I would like the cubs to think about healthy eating, what happens to your body if you eat unhealthily, what things you can do to try and be healthy.  There will be a sheet to fill in.  This will be for their chef badge.
Wednesday 13 June 2012 - Gas Cooking
Really looking forward to this as Jack, Assistant Cub Leader, is going to show us all how to use gas cookers safely and then cooking on them.
This is going towards their chef badge.
Wednesday 20 June 2012 - Penguin Base
There is a district event in July and we have chosen the Falkland Islands as our country.  We have to make eggs & paint penguins for this.  This will be non uniform day and definitely clothes that it doesn't matter if they get paint & things over them.  Please can we have newspapers before they go to recycling.
Wednesday 27 June 2012
Astute Canine Services will be giving a presentation on how to take care of your dog and a master class on how to train your dog. Then the Cubs will have to practice at home and there will be a questionnaire to fill in to show what they have learnt.
Wednesday 4 July 2012 - Penguin Base
We will be painting our penguins and again it will be non uniform night.
Saturday 7 July 2012
County Olympics Day 1000-1500,  St John's School, Marlborough
This is going to be a brilliant day with lots of fun activities to do and in the spirit of the Olympics you will get a medal or badge at the end of it.  Details will go out in the next month or so but please put this date on your calendar and keep it free.
Can we please have a good turnout for this as we will be running a base on the day and its going to be a fantastic day.
We will be making things for our base which will go towards the artist badge and you will have an opportunity to test out the base too.
Wednesday 11 July 2012 
Cubs will be bringing in their dog or have use of another one to show what they have practised and their completed questionnaires.
This will be going towards their animal carer badge.
Certificates will be presented by Carrie. Please visit her website to see what she does at www.astutecanineservices.com
Sunday 30 September 2012
Jubilee Gold Rush Day
This is going to be a fun day at Savernake Forest with lots of great activties that will be a challenge to do.  Once the day is over there is a BBQ for everyone.  Please put this on your calendar as I know this will be a great day.
Coming soon will be diary events for the badges & other activities for April to July 2012 so keep an eye on the website for details.